Dear friends and fellow Dreamers,
Here is the introduction to my new podcast - as promised for a while! I hope you love it, follow it and come along with me !
By the time you read this, you should be able to access and subscribe to the podcast on Apple and Spotify, as well as pick it up directly here on my website.
So…..This is a podcast about Dreaming. The spontaneous images that arise in our sleep, as well as those we experience in our waking life. We're going to explore the soulful encounters that we are being called to have in our Dreams, often with the less known parts of ourselves, and how these encounters relate to the rest of the animate world, and what that can mean for our lives, our communities and our planet.
Here is an image and a small video clip of Cotton Grass, from my trip to Uist in the Outer Hebrides, the birth place of the Dreaming Earth Podcast :)
Optional donations
I offer this work to everybody, open handedly and completely free of charge, so please be assured that there is absolutely no need for you to donate anything at all.
However, if you’ve found my work helpful, would like to support me and my work, and do have the financial means, you can choose to donate some money.
If you click the Donate button below, you can give an amount that feels right to you, however large or small. Any donation which comes to me and my work in this way, by choice, and from the heart, is such a blessing to me. THANK you !