It is my joy to work with Dreams - the images that arise naturally and spontaneously in the body while we sleep. I act as a guide, exploring the landscape of your Dreams, and the invitations within that landscape - accompanying and supporting you as you build a relationship with this extraordinary, and profoundly beautiful resource.

Dreamwork Sessions

Dreamwork sessions are for those who’d like to experience an interactive, and embodied relationship with their own Dreams, and who want to walk closely with the wisdom that their Dreams bring. This work is creative, therapeutic and spiritual in its nature, and it will broaden you, support you, and inspire you deeply - connecting you to an inner landscape that is longing to be encountered. You will learn to really love and value the Dreams, even the ones that feel difficult, and begin to understand them as a truly sacred terrain.

Initially I can help you with ways to remember your Dreams, if you don’t already, and then we can begin to work with, and explore the Dreams you bring to sessions, however fragmented they might be at first. We will not look to interpret or analyse the Dream, but we will enter the Dream in an experiential, embodied way, focusing on the felt sense in the body. As we go into the Dream landscape we will explore the dynamic wisdom, and soulful encounters that are waiting there for you. The depth and support of these encounters may come as a surprise to you.

Sessions are an hour in length, and we meet on Zoom. This is better treated as longer term work, but can be booked as and when you need, according to what you’d like. Currently I choose not to have a fixed fee for this work, and the exchange for your session is arranged between us, depending on what you are able to pay.

If you’d like to work with me in this way, you can contact me using the button below.