About me

Until I made the decision to work with other people, I had been an artist all my life. At a time of real personal upheaval, I found I needed to respond to my heart, or the Divine voice, with more devotion than I had known how to before. This took a lot of courage at that time, but I gathered up my experience working with my own Dreams, my own spontaneous images, and the ups and downs of the creative process, and began to offer that to others. The joy of that shared process was almost immediate, in ways I could never have envisaged. This was a real turning point for me, and I have never regretted making the vulnerable move to share my own gifts outwards.

I’ve taken part in a number of different trainings over the years, which began with a fine art degree in sculpture. My own personal art practice since that time has been, and continues to be, a significant teacher. Since then, on top of basic listening skills and a Certificate in Counselling, my main focus has been the many approaches to Dreamwork, and I have learned from various wonderful Dream teachers. This continues to be my devotion. Alongside this I’ve done a year long Eco~Psychology training, to more deeply understand our other than human family, and my place on the planet. I’m also trained in Focusing, which involves listening to the intelligence of the body, and is something I am always building on. Alongside my nature based work, the Focusing attitude deeply informs and supports my own work with Dreams and my Dreamwork with clients.

However, my real “training” for the work that I now find myself in, has come from decades of dogged devotion to my own inner experience, and navigating the steady stream of often confusing imagery, that has come through me. My curiosity, enthusiasm and belief in the power of images (my own and yours), and the guidance they’ve provided through my artwork, my Dreams, and my waking interactions with the natural world, is what I can best guide you with on your own journey. I consider this a sacred practice, and a connection to Divine, something we all have access to simply by being human.

I spend lots of time out walking in all weathers with my dog, and love being around, communicating with, and learning from the rest of the life forms we share this planet with. The plants, fungi, animals, rocks and weather systems, give me a deep sense of belonging, meaning, and also responsibility, which really informs my work with other people. My private art practice continues to speak and thrive in parallel with my own Dreams, and it is a beautiful source of company and illumination for me.

If you’d like to get to know a bit more about my voice in this work, and the way I approach Dreams more broadly than my one to one sessions with clients, you can listen to my new monthly podcast called Dreaming Earth, which comes out as and when it wants to! If you enjoy it, you can subscribe on Spotify or Apple podcast platforms, as well as on my home page, which will mean the latest episode arrives direct to your inbox. I have a growing community around the podcast, and it’s my hope that this continues to grow.

If you have any questions about working with me, and wether it might suit you, please just get in touch.